
Day #47 A picture of your favorite animal

Awww I couldn't choose only one! 
But I did... His/her eyes...


Day #46 A picture that you edited

Ain't it good? 8D


Day #45 A picture of your favorite cartoon character

It was him... or Zorak. But my stuffed puppy's name is Balto in his honour (:


Day #44 A picture that describes your life


I'm always foolin' around (?)




Day #42 A picture of you listening to music

I took this picture only for the meme thingy. Ugh, my nose looked awful... all crooked and witch-y.


Day #40 A picture of your friends

LOL & M's mum is my friend too...


Day #39 A picture of your favorite food

Porotos con mazamorra.
Oh man, so hungry...


Day #38 A picture of your favorite drink

Pineapple juice... 
Piña colada~


Day #37 A picture taken at school

LOL This is really old.
Happy Birthday To You,
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday Lewis Carrolina
Happy Belate To You

  Sixteenth note.gif


Day #36 A picture of your pet

Vika, my Krusty-like-face dog.



Day #35 A picture of your hometown

I guess it's the place where I was born... Since I grew up in many places...

Here you are: Reñaca, Valparaíso, Chile.


Day #34 A picture of your favorite morning

Not quite beautiful, but I like it, nevertheless.
I hate it here... but it's for the best.
I guess...
It kinda... rhymed.

Well, it's my favourite morning 'cause it's a picture of today. It's cold and raining... I prefer snow, but it's okay... I love winter. I love cold mornings. I love... FRIDAY. Oh, wait... It isn't friday.

Bloody hell, blame Recebba Black!

Yesterday was Thursday! THURSDAY!


Day #32 A picture of what you did today

I forgot to take pictures... Damnit.


Day #31 A picture of food you made

The cookies look disgusting, really.
I wouldn't eat them, if I were you.
They were burnt and...
Well... I suck...


Day #30 A picture of your favorite quote

I just took this one, I wrote it down and it's LQ but... huh. 
I don't care. 


Day #28 A picture of your favorite place in the world

I'm in the darkness. Could you, please, enlighten me? I don't have a favourite place in the world. I've yet to met the many secret places this world has hidden for me... So many secrets, mysteries and such.

I can't wait!


Day #27 A picture of your favorite night

First night we really got wasted... Together.


Day #26 A picture of something that means a lot to you

 Víctor Antonio, my very male!guitar.


Day #25 A picture of you from last year

It's a nice picture. All messy and sleepy. It was a nice day in Valparaíso, with my friends...

I wasn't so fat then, either...


Day #24 A picture of someone you miss

I saw you like two days ago, but I still miss you... Constanza

(I know it's not the best picture of you, but I just love it. Your face it's hilarious... you were opening your birthday presents.. well, present. We told you we didnt' have the money for a real Barbie, but gave you that hideous thing... Bárbara, la barbie pobre... We love you, and would never do that. Though we DID that... but had better gifts too! I, like the ruined aristocrat I am, am facing bankrupcty now, thanks to your most-hard-est-to-find-present and that chocolate cake very delicious looking you didn't even SHARE! )


Desde aquel día, Sirius dejó de ser la guitarra de Jimmy Hendrix, la simpatía por el demonio de los Stones y el gamberrismo profesional de John Lennon. Desde aquel día Sirius se convirtió en el aristócrata destronado al que cantó Bob Dylan. Para Remus, Sirius se convirtió en una canción. Por encima de cualquier otra canción.

Se convirtió en *esa* canción.


Mother still believes you're my girlfriend, though who cares anyway lalalala.


Day #23 A picture of your favorite book

Actually, that's a picture of me holding my favourite book, which is Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkaban. It's not my favourite, ever written, book though, since I don't really have one. It's the one I own that I treasure the most for it was a gift my best friend gave to me for Christmas last year. I love it when she corrects my poor grammar (english) as I do to her Spanish's. I love you, Moony. Why'd you leave me alone? Ah, you left me for those wealthy pureblood-lover bastards. I just know it!

{ Happy Birthday, Cynthia... I love you, by the way. } 


Day #22 A picture of something you never leave the house without

Spectacles & Music
(headphones in the picture, technically)


Day #21 A picture of something you wish you could forget

That... fucking clown over there...
Disgusting piece of drunken vomit.
I hope you realise how bad you look...
I want to forget her face...
How it felt the touch of her skin.
I want to forget her smell...
I want to forget all about her.
Because it's driving me crazy.
I can't stand this anymore.
I need you to quit annoying me!
Stop calling.
Don't touch me.
I don't want you near me.
I don't want to see you, again.


PS: Burn in hell, you whore.
PS2: Like J.K.Rowling said: I don't take any responsibility for the lunatic fringes of my own religion mind?


Day #20 A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel


See the 
Aurora Borealis
Then die.


Day #18 A picture of the sexiest Woman alive

La Tigresa del Oriente
I'm just kidding. You know that, right?