
Day #24 A picture of someone you miss

I saw you like two days ago, but I still miss you... Constanza

(I know it's not the best picture of you, but I just love it. Your face it's hilarious... you were opening your birthday presents.. well, present. We told you we didnt' have the money for a real Barbie, but gave you that hideous thing... Bárbara, la barbie pobre... We love you, and would never do that. Though we DID that... but had better gifts too! I, like the ruined aristocrat I am, am facing bankrupcty now, thanks to your most-hard-est-to-find-present and that chocolate cake very delicious looking you didn't even SHARE! )


Desde aquel día, Sirius dejó de ser la guitarra de Jimmy Hendrix, la simpatía por el demonio de los Stones y el gamberrismo profesional de John Lennon. Desde aquel día Sirius se convirtió en el aristócrata destronado al que cantó Bob Dylan. Para Remus, Sirius se convirtió en una canción. Por encima de cualquier otra canción.

Se convirtió en *esa* canción.


Mother still believes you're my girlfriend, though who cares anyway lalalala.

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