

Day #15 A picture of something you want to do before you die

I know it's cheating... But who cares about deadlines anyway.


Day #14 A picture of your favorite store

I don't really have one... I just buy things I like, whatever. Don't spend much time thinking of it or hanging out in specific shops... Starbucks would be an option, but I don't like it that much. My favourite would be a antiquarian bookstore, it's always really quiet and smells nice. There are second-hand and used books, some of them in different languages and hard to find. Also, it's quite cheap for the exquisite quality of them. But true is, I don't have a picture of that one. At the time, I've been so consumed when reading, touching and smelling my precious objects of desire, I didn't pay attention to anything else, never mind taking pictures of the place. I don't think I'd like to share that information with anyone who wouldn't appreciate the magic emanating from those 'old books' and would just call me a bookworm maniac. In fairness, I think something like that is hardly captured by a photograph. Not that I despise that art, enjoying the moment when sensing a book, smelling it... It's priceless.

Anyway, here is a picture of Zonko's Joke Shop... I dream of going to Hogwarts lol, I know it's impossible, unless I went to Universal Studios or that tour thing in England, I don't remember...

So, that was my fourteenth day...


Day #13 A picture of your favorite band or artist

 Fryderyk Franciszek Szopen
Frédéric François Chopin


Day #12 A picture of something you love

 LOL, that was pretty much what I was looking for... Very accurate.


Day #11 A picture of something you hate

Trash-strewn streets, people throwing it and walking on a pile of garbage like anything... Then the other thing I do not like it's the amount of stray animals here... I don't want them to be killed, but it's sad watching it. The fact that I can't help any of them, just my own puppy which I saved from the streets too. It's human barbarism against animals, pure cruelty. Having pets is like making an eternal deal, it needs to be kept. Ah... Now I've got to go... This is such a sensitive topic!

...And I feel so useless when it comes to it...


Day #10 A picture of someone you do the craziest things with

I can't believe it's a picture of this bloody Slytherin I've choosen... Anyway. I picked this one because it's brilliant. It was taken in Valparaíso, and it represents our kind-of-friendship perfectly. It was a nice day, eben though this guy's a teaser... I just wanted to kiss her and shout 'HERE! IT'S THAT WHAT YOU WANTED?" but heh... She's easy like that. No offense, darling. (I swear if she finds out...)

We've been through many things together, the darkest days even, to put it on Death Eaters' words. You like that? We've been enemies, friends with benefits, drinking buddies, pranksters... We've been in the Headmaster's office a lot of times, too... There's that you-know-what nobody talks about for it's something we'd rather forget about, isn't it? And we were almost expelled, almost being the keyword here... Luckily. Our failed attempt at escaping school. That is. Now I find it hilarious that we made it on time, with epic precision and all... But we didn't run away for this girl who followed and broke her ankle the git. I used to hate her... Now he isn't so bad after all that shitty past of her...

Ah... Well, returning to the topic of our school-trip to Valparaíso... We, slimy-snake and I, almost missed the bus! Sky was darkening and it was cold, I WAS HUNGRY. But no, she dragged me to the dock to take some pictures... It was fun, though... But we ran out of battery soon after we left... and decided to return. The bus wasn't there... What a surprise! We were supposed to meet the others half an hour before that... So we ran ann run, Forrest, ran... and finally got on the bus, were reprimanded by both the teacher and the bus driver... Huh.

Now I've got to pee. Bye.


Day #9 A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most

One word: Thank you (I know, two)
Love, love, LOVE, love you...  

He's saved my life many times...


Day #8 A picture of your most treasured item

Here they are... we... I don't know. It's my stuffed puppy, Balto. (Actually, he's Balto II, but I like to think he's like the reincarnation of the former...) I lost the first one stupidly, though. My parents and I went out one night and I was carrying my little dog toy as if it were a baby-koala. I didn't notice when Balto fell from my chest. I cried for weeks... My mother bought me another toy, but it just wasn't like him! And I started crying again for it seems it was discontinued toy... My nanny offered some comfort to me(more than the slutty old toe-rag) and so I quit crying for a while.

Anyway... I was really upset and started sulking some more... She just told me to shut the fuck up and stop being a spoiled brat. My dad, nevertheless, continued searching and one day... He brought Balto II with a huge smile. All of us assumed he was just lost and returned home...

The picture was given to me on my sixteenth birthday... It was placed in my schoolbag and I didn't even noticed until the last period before lunch was over. It's one picture of my... friend and I.

No further explanation is required.


Day #7 A picture that makes you laugh

I can't pick one... A picture which makes me laugh but not painfully, not a bitter laugh.

LOL I've found one! I lol'd.

That was my response to a poorly-edited picture she made... My sister is just sooooo innocent, naïve, cute, lovely and sweety -sarcasm detected, right?

But I love her, Reg~


Day #6 A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day

I'm still wondering who... I don't really want to trade places with anyone right now...

Should I just submit some random picture of Harry Potter's movie cast? Maybe a famous singer, or... No, family member no... I actually know who I'd like to be for a day, but it'd be horrible if she found out... What to do, what to do...

It can't be a death person, I suppose, since it says 'trade places with for a day'... if it were the case, I'd spend the rest of the day resting in a grave... Oh, I've got an idea.

Sleeping Beauty! Just great.

I hope we didn't trade places for the same day the prince woke her up... Even though I won't mind a good morning kiss... What in case his breath smells or something? And what about respect for privacy? Sleep deprivation gets me in a really bad mood (well, worse than any other day...).

Ah, anyway. I'd like to be beauty and sleeping at the same time.



Day #5 A picture of your favorite memory

Choir & Orchestra Presentation
December, 2010 

It was a beautiful day, even more because that morning I had an argument with Lorena (my mother, or what the hell she is) and she started that crap about 'You don't want me to be there... Tell me if you don't want me to go, you don't love meeee' and I was thinking 'You know what? I don't give a shit if you're there... Why do you care? Why are you faking interest, anyway? I know you prefer hanging out with your 'friends', drinking, partying...  It's not a big deal, I know you won't hear me when I'm practicing... Don't think I've forgotten when I was a little girl you told I'd got no talent... Now I'm old enough to not care about you anymore, I don't need you by my side... I'm done with you, disgusting piece of...'. Finally I said I didn't care. She still showed her ugly deformed face (not kiddin') and I was sulking all day... But I won't show her that, I was perfectly fine singing and being narrator. 

Aaah, but I'm supposed to right the nice part about the day. Well... Good thing is... George is amazing. He's the best teacher I've ever had. He's always giving me some advice... Not in the best way, maybe... But with all his jokes and pet names and... and... just being him. He kinda... saved my life a bit.

I love him, and I'll always do. 

And so my friends were there... We cried a lot, and as you can see... My face always turns red when I cry. And when I laugh. And when I'm hot... Or just when I get embarassed. 




Day #3 A picture of the cast from your favorite show

Day #2 A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest

Grandma... I guess she's the person who's helped me the most... Even more than my own mother (...) 'cause I spent my first years of life with her, not with Walburga (lol). My mother sent me to Santiago while she was still in college (Valparaíso) aaand... After I finally started living with my parents, when I was a little kid, she was my best friend... My all, the person who held me tight when I needed comfort. I used to go out with her all weekends, we would eat candies and then, she cut my hair just like hers (she has straight short hair, actually...). I still hate that haircut... But now we haven't been so close. Life just keeps getting more and more complicated as we grow up... Time is fading... I know she won't be there forever, but I'd like to keep happy memories fresh on my mind, that is... Just sappy thoughts this time, don't you think?

I know I'll forget at some point... I hope not.

I love my grandma (and grandpa too)


Day # 1 A picture of yourself with ten facts

  1. I don't like ice cream.
  2. I hate it when somebody calls me 'Javi' or pet names
  3. I like animals & dinosaurs.
  4. I like eating tomatoes while I study/read.
  5. I spend my free time sleeping... (internet too)
  6. I have a bad temper.
  7. I don't know why I am doing this... in English.
  8. I like sniffing sharpies...
  9. I am (the walrus) in love...
  10. I don't know what I want to do with my life...
I guess I'm done with fact number nine... And I picked this number listening to that Beatles' song... It's damn creepy...

You know... I love you, Prongzie